Variklis MAN D2862LE476 MAN D2862LE476

Jei nusprendėte įsigyti technikos už stipriai žemesnę, nei vidutinė rinkos kainą, būtinai iš pradžių susisiekite su pardavėju. Sužinokite apie technikos savininką kiek įmanoma daugiau. Vienas iš sukčiavimo būdų – apsimesti įmonės atstovu. Kilus įtarimams užpildykite formą, kad mes galėtume įvertinti situaciją ir imtis reikiamų veiksmų.
Prieš apsisprendžiant ką nors įsigyti įdėmiai peržvelkite kelis pasiūlymus ir įvertinkite, kokia Jūsų pasirinktos technikos vidutinė rinkos pardavimo kaina. Jei Jums patikusio pasiūlymo kaina stipriai mažesnė, susimąstykite. Esminis kainos skirtumas gali reikšti paslėptus technikos defektus arba pardavėjo bandymą sukčiauti.
Nepirkite technikos, kurios kaina stipriai skiriasi nuo vidutinės rinkos kainos.
Nesutikite su abejotinais pasiūlymais keistis įranga ar iš anksto mokėti už ją. Kilus abejonėms nebijokite viską išsiaiškinti. Reikalaukite daugiau fotografijų ir technikos dokumentų, tikrinkite dokumentų autentiškumą, klauskite.
Tai dažniausiai pasitaikantys sukčiavimo atvejai. Nesąžiningi pardavėjai gali prašyti sumokėti avansą, kaip technikos įsigijimo „garantą“. Tokiu būdų sukčiautojai gali sukaupti nemažą pinigų sumą ir pradingti.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į banko kortelę.
- Kilus abejonėms dėl pardavėjo, nedarykite avansinių mokėjimų be pinigų pervedimą patvirtinančių dokumentų.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į „patikėtinio“ sąskaitą.
- Tokie prašymai iš karto kelia įtarimų, Jei tai Jūsų atvejis, greičiausiai susidūrėte su sukčiavimo atveju.
- Piniginių lėšų pervedimas į panašaus pavadinimo įmonės sąskaitą
- Būkite atidūs. Sukčiautojai, nežymiai pakeisdami įmonės pavadinimą, gali bandyti apsimesti gerai žinomų kompanijų atstovais. Nepervedinėkite pinigų, jei dėl įmonės kyla abejonių.
- Asmeninių rekvizitų pateikimas tikros kompanijos sąskaitoje
- Prieš darydami piniginį pervedimą įsitikinkite, kad sąskaitoje nurodyti rekvizitai yra teisingi ir priklauso nurodytai kompanijai.
Pardavėjo kontaktiniai duomenys

Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor
Man D2862LE476 V12-1900 HP marine engines sale , surplus new units
1397 kW (1900HP) at 2300 rpm
Injection system- Common Rail
Engine control unit EDC17, Max. torque at rated speed (Nm/rpm) 6500/1200-2100
EPA Tier 3 recreational, IMO Tier II, RCD 2013/53/EC, 97/68/EC
including throttle and instruments for one station
Technical specification:
2155 Standard oil carter
2302 Electrical oil pump for carter
2155 Lubrificant oil pump (versione standard]
Engine oil filters
0293 Exhaust gas compensator
0304 Exhaust elbow with vertical exhaust
0056 Water cooled exhaust manifold
3901 Heat exchanger (titanium plate] and raw water pump, with compensation tank, sized for a maximum salt water temparture of32°C
0256 Raw water pump
— Rigid supports
— Oil pressure transmitter in mA
— Gearbox oil low pressure alarm
— Gearbox oil high temperature alarm
7410 Terminal board with wiring, with starting relay 24 V, mounted with engine display parameters and start/stop buttons
Connection wiring between engines (MMDS CAN Bus] mt. 5
— Color LCD - Display Unit (2 units] - display 7" per plancia, inclusi sensori
7606 Terminal block- bridge display wiring connection - 30 mt
7631 Electrical wiring for engine starting (MMDS CAN Bus] 20 mt.
1209 Fuel prefilter with water separator, flame proof detached, hose line 1,5m
0015 Fuel filters
2500 Air filters
4850 Engine fitted PTO for attachment of a hydro-pump (max couple 180 Nm available]
0253 Carter protezione cinghie
8505 IMO Technical documentation
9006 Service documentation on CD-Rom
3705 Bench test documentation with crankshaft and conrods certification
0492 Engine white painted (RAL 9010]
0411 Land transportation packing with Cover motor