Naujas 4 kolonų automobilių keltuvas TyreON TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T

naujas 4 kolonų automobilių keltuvas TyreON TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T
naujas 4 kolonų automobilių keltuvas TyreON TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T
naujas 4 kolonų automobilių keltuvas TyreON TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T vaizdas 2
Susidomėjote skelbimu?
2 895 €
Grynoji kaina
Susisiekite su pardavėju
Markė: TyreON
Keliamoji galia: 4 000 kg
Vieta: Nyderlandai Akersloot6460 km nuo jūsų
Patalpinimo data: ilgiau nei 1 mėnuo
Machineryline ID: TG42503
Įtampa: 400
Būklė: naujas
Papildomos paslaugos

Papildoma informacija — Naujas 4 kolonų automobilių keltuvas TyreON TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T

The price is excluding VAT and delivery costs.
Capacity 4000 kg - flat runways
Lifting height 22 - 193 cm
Runway length 4,56 meters
► Obstacle protection (slack cable)
► Mechanical safety lock
► Automatic unlock (air)
► Pressure relief valve
► Adjustable runways
► Wide - larger commercial vehicles etc.
Packaging L475 x B55 x H150 cm - 1750 kg
Jack - optional L94 x B57 x H27 cm - 115 kg
LED6 - optional 6 stuks L116 x B2,3 x H2,8 cm
Voltage 400V
Drive 2.2 kW Electric - Hydraulic

Top quality 4 post auto lift 4T for inspections, repairs and maintenance.
As standard supplied with adjustable runways and obstacle protection.
For short and long chassis cars,wide vans, wide commercial vehicles up to wheelbase L3 - Crafter, Sprinter, Movano, Master etc. with maximum distance between front and rear axle of 433.5 cm.
Fully automatic - 4 post auto lift
Very solid 4 post vehicle lift
Also wide vans, 51 cm runway-width with adjustable distance
24V All-In-One control panel for lifting, unlocking and lowering (IP54)
Easy access thanks to extra wide ramps with punched profile
Suitable for low cars -115 cm long ramps
Mechanical synchronization - the 2 runways raise and lower simultaneously
Roll-off protection
Well finished, fully powder-coated
Alu-motor unit with fan and cooling fins
1-year warranty on all parts - CE approved
Safety - 4 post auto lift
Each post comes with a safety lock every 8.5 cm
The 4 post car hoist locks automatically every 8.5 cm in each post.
By the lock button the auto lift falls into the safety locks and rests mechanically.
By the down button the 4 safety hooks retract and the descent starts.
With four sensors to detect a slack cable in each corner of the loading platform.
The auto lift will direct stop lowering if an obstacle prevents descent.
The 4 column lift comes with a central air connection. For safety and comfort, the air hoses are integrated in the construction.
The safety release, the obstacle protection and the optional 3Tlift jack are connected to this airsystem.
Slack cable detection - All corners
Locks in every column - on every 8,5 cm
A height switch ensures that the motor stops when the lift reaches the highest point.
This switch can be mounted at any desired height.
A foot switch ensures that the auto lift stops at 35 cm height, pressing the down button again will descend the runways to the lowest point.
Standard features - four post lift
The 4 post car hoist is made of 5 mm thick profile and the runways of 8 mm profile
The hydraulic cylinder is housed under a runway, perfectly protected
Hard steel large running wheels to prevent wear of cables and the wheels
A bracket ensures the steel cable cannot escape from the wheels
Broken cable + broken oil-hose protected
Overload valve - prevents damage due too heavy loads
Main power switch on the control unit
Central valve in pump unit - the 4 post auto lift can be lowered manually (if power failure)
The 4 post garage lift is equipped with grease nipples
TyreON TPL4000 four post auto lift
Delivery - 4 post auto lift
The 4 post garage lift is tested and packed with;
The hydraulic power unit and control unit for the four post lift
Cabling and other installation materials (no ground anchors)
Installation and operating manual
Hydraulic oil is not included - 20L HV-ISO-32 can be ordered optionally
Optional - Rolling air jack - 3000 kg
Optional - LED6 - Runway lighting x 6
OPTIONAL: Installation on location at an additional cost is possible.
NOTE: We recommend having the TyreON TPL4000 4 post car hoist installed by a recognised company.
TPL4000 4 column lift - 4.56 meters flat runways - 4T
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